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These are dark days for our country and we're all craving good news. We've got some: New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy approved $5 million for the Civic Info Consortium — a new fund that will revive and strengthen local journalism around the state.

Free Press Action Fund wrote the bill that will create the consortium. Both the legislation and the nonprofit are the first of their kind in the nation.

Chip in $5 today to help us continue to fight for community-centered journalism around the country.



free press action fund

Hi there,

This week we have 5 million reasons to be hopeful.

In the Trump era we spend most of our time fighting an onslaught of terrible policies — from the destruction of Net Neutrality to mega-telecom mergers to assaults on press freedom. But that’s not all we’ve been up to.

We’ve also been working in New Jersey on innovative solutions to the growing local news crisis, which has left communities throughout the state with little to no local news coverage. And after an 18-month-long campaign, this week Gov. Phil Murphy approved $5 million in the FY 2019 budget for the Civic Info Bill1.

We won’t stop fighting to build the world we want to live in — but we can’t do it without you. Chip in $5 (or whatever you can) today.

The Civic Info Bill2, which now awaits Gov. Murphy’s signature, will establish the Civic Info Consortium. The consortium will fund projects to improve the quantity and quality of news and information in New Jersey communities, which will benefit longstanding and startup news outlets alike while also launching media-literacy and civic-engagement programs. It will also provide grants to support the information needs of New Jersey’s low-income communities and communities of color.

Free Press Action Fund conceived and wrote the Civic Info Bill. This legislation — and the nonprofit it will create — are the first of their kind in the nation.

This victory is huge for the state of New Jersey, but it also provides a playbook for what’s possible in other states that are suffering from a lack of local news coverage.

When we launched this effort, this legislation was labeled a pipe dream, an impossible task, a hopeless campaign. But even in these trying times, not all is lost. Donate $5 today to help us build a fair and just media system.

Thanks for all that you do—

Heather, Mike, James and the rest of the Free Press Action Fund team

P.S. This victory wouldn’t have been possible without you. Pitch in $5 (or whatever you can) to support the future of community-centered journalism.

1. “Victory: New Jersey Dedicates Millions to Strengthen Local News Coverage,” Free Press Action Fund, July 2, 2018:

2.“Why the Civic Info Bill Is Such a Huge Deal,” Free Press Action Fund, July 2, 2018:

Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at

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