From the McDougall Kitchen:
Holiday Meal Ideas

The holidays are often a time when we prepare a special meal. Whether you're planning a four-course feast or like to keep it simple with one special dish, we’ve gathered some of our favorite celebratory recipes. If you've chosen to make a few dishes, do as much prep as you can a day or two in advance so you're sure to have a joyful time! 

Click Here For More Recipes

Join by December 31 and Save $500

The holiday season is here, now's the time to give yourself the best gift of all - better health without the use of unnecessary medications. 

When you book our program, you can invite up to two friends or family members to join you for only $995 each (over 50% off the regular price)! Prices are going up in the new year, you must join by December 31 to receive this special offer.

Making a lifestyle change can be challenging - sharing the journey with a trusted partner is a great way to stay motivated and accountable. Email us at or call 800 941-7111 with your questions about our program and make 2021 your healthiest year yet!

Learn More
Please Consider Donating to Our Foundation

The McDougall Team would like to take a moment to thank all of you who have helped support the McDougall Research & Education Foundation, a tax-deductible 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, over the years. All the money you have graciously donated helps change the lives of people suffering needlessly from dietary diseases.

Before 2020 ends, we would be indebted by your generosity if you would consider making a donation. There is no amount too small - every cent counts! Because of your donations, the education of medical students and residents, along with the development of new research projects, is possible.

Donations may be made through our PayPal Account by visiting The McDougall Research & Education Foundation or mailed to P.O. Box 14039, Santa Rosa, CA 95402. We do not share any donor information with third parties.

We sincerely appreciate your consideration of support this year.

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