From the McDougall Kitchen:
Quick and Easy Meals 

A well stocked pantry is essential for staying on track and is especially helpful during busy times. With a few canned goods, Speedy International Stew is a filling meal with little effort. Jeff’s Longevity Soup created by 12-Day McDougall Program dietitian, nutritionist and health educator Jeff Novick, MS, RDN, doesn’t require any chopping - all you need is a pair of scissors, a can opener and a pot and you’ll be ready to eat in less than half an hour. With pastas there are endless possibilities of flavor combinations that can be made in 30 minutes or less. We love Easy Mexican Pasta or Roasted Pepper Pasta since you can make the sauces and vegetables while the pasta is cooking - a great time saver. One Pot Pasta cooks the vegetables in the same pot with the pasta saving cooking time and cleanup. Quick cooking Tex-Mex Couscous Salad is seasoned with salsa, full of hearty beans and crisp veggies, and can be served hot or cold. Make a double batch to have leftovers for the next day. 

More Recipes
There is Still Time to Join the Live Lecture Series! 

In this comprehensive lecture series, John McDougall, MD, will empower you with the knowledge of how a whole food, starch-based diet is successful for alleviating the pain of chronic diseases and living the life you deserve.


  • The scientific facts about how much protein, fats, sugar and vitamins our body needs for optimal health

  • How osteoporosis is caused by excess protein and how to reverse it naturally

  • How fats and oils affect our heart health and clearing up the confusion around this hot topic

  • The truth behind sugar and diabetes

  • The health benefits of eating starch

  • The best sources of B12 and vitamin D

Join us on November 19, December 3 and/or December 17, 2022. Each session is an online, half-day event starting at 10 AM Pacific. If you are unable to join us live, this series will be available to view after the final lecture and yours to own forever with the purchase of the full series. The reference slides will also be made available. 

Attendance is limited allowing for plenty of time to answer your questions.

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"The lecture on diabetes was most informative and I am diabetic so it cleared up many questions I had.- Naomi B.

Plan Now to Start 2023 Feeling Your Best
Save Your Spot for Our Next Program Starting January 13

Learning from home will allow you to immediately apply what you’ve learned, practice in your own kitchen and get direct guidance from the McDougall team as questions come up. This is the exact environment where you’ll be challenged in your everyday life, and we’ll be there with you every step of the way. We’re here to set you up for lasting success.
Here is what’s possible for you with the 12-Day McDougall Program:

  • Avoid dangerous and costly surgeries

  • Lower, or eliminate, unnecessary medications and avoid their harmful side effects

  • Save time and money with fewer doctor’s visits and less time off work

  • Live a full life with vitality and confidence in your good health

  • Add healthy years to your life plus keep up with your kids, your grandchildren and enjoy that bucket list trip you’ve always dreamed about

Check out what participants have to say about the 12-Day McDougall Program!

This is not simply a 12-day program - we will continue to support you for an entire year and you'll become a McDougall patient for life. We will be there when you need us. Secure your spot today while there's still room. Contact us at  to learn more or for help with your registration.

Learn More
Do you have questions about whether your ailment can be helped, reversed or cured by a change in diet? Book a 25-minute consultation with Dr. Lim, Medical Director of the McDougall Program, and have your general questions answered to find out if our program is right for you. If you decide to join the program, 100% of the consult fee will go towards the program enrollment. After completing the 12-Day McDougall Program, you will become a patient for life and we’ll be there for you to address your personal medical concerns when you need us.
New Patient Consultation
Join the McDougalls every Sunday at 5 PM PT for a talk on a hot topic and get your questions answered by the experts. Questions can be submitted during Sunday’s livestream or submitted ahead of time to
Watch for Free
In honor of National Diabetes Awareness Month, McDougall's Medicine: A Challenging Second Opinion book is available for free. This book includes vital information that everyone needs to know to be healthy for life. Please share with your friends and family.
Download for Free

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