From the McDougall Kitchen:
Seasonal Spring Produce

Spring ushers in an abundance of delightful seasonal produce, including artichokes, asparagus, carrots and lemons. As an appetizer, we love steamed artichokes served with Spicy Dipping Sauce or Cilantro-Garlic Aioli. For a simple soup, enjoy the crisp texture and earthy flavor of asparagus in Quick Asparagus Basil Soup. Carrots bring sweetness and a pop of color to Spring Carrot and Chickpea ColeslawLemon Rice Soup bursts with the vibrant zest of lemon, infusing every spoonful with refreshing citrus notes. Incorporating these seasonal gems into your spring menus promises a culinary adventure that celebrates the bountiful offerings of the season while nourishing the body with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

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