Updates from Our Vines

Pruning is one of the most important cultural operations in grape production because it regulates both vegetative growth and fruit production. Pruning is done during the winter, while the plant is dormant. In Desert Wind Vineyard, much of this work is done by our vineyard crew who maintain the vines year-round. Pruning is a highly skilled vineyard practice to guide the vine in certain directions and for specific purposes. Pruning adjusts the bud number on a vine to allow production of high-quality fruit on a sustainable basis.

Our vineyard is weeping with joy! The phenomenon of sap being expelled from an open pruning wound on the grapevine that often happens during early spring. Here the cane is bending downwards, which will allow the water to drain unimpeded and without damaging the fruit buds on the cane. This is a sign of good health for the vine.

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Desert Wind Winery, 2258 Wine Country Road, Prosser, Washington 99350  |  509-786-7277  |

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