Alexis McGill Johnson, the current head of Planned Parenthood, recently took to the New York Times to discuss Margaret Sanger’s dehumanizing views of people of color and those with disabilities. In “What Pro-Lifers Can Learn from the Planned Parenthood Apology,” priest, author, and CT columnist Tish Harrison Warren points out
McGill Johnson’s hypocrisy. “For all the diversity in their boardroom,” Harrison Warren writes, “each person there shares a key privilege: They were allowed to be born.”
At the same time, Harrison Warren observes, “Those of us in the pro-life movement would therefore be irresponsible to sneer at McGill Johnson’s inconsistency without examining our own.”
The dehumanization of people of color, refugees, and immigrants purported by some in the pro-life movement “is not simply ‘anti-woke,’ it’s anti-life,” Harrison Warren writes. “Injustice and inequality beget death.”
As we look at the systemic injustices in our country and our world, may we “be as introspective and repentant as Planned Parenthood and seek to embody moral consistency where they have not.” Lives—both born and unborn—depend upon it.