DevOps, Data, and the Business; Data Prep: An Enterprise Effort; Machine Learning Newbies and more.

InformationWeek Data Analytics
May 07, 2018
Interop ITX: Experts Weigh in on Jobs, Skills of the Future
What skills will be needed in your data and analytics job in 5 or 10 years? A panel of experts tackled that question at Interop ITX. Here's what they said.

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Data, DevOps, and the Rest of the Business

Data makes DevOps work, and DevOps offers a lesson in how the rest of the business can make the best use of data.
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Data Prep Becomes an Enterprise Effort

The days of data prep by Excel spreadsheet may very well be numbered as more organizations look to create or buy platforms to simplify the process for everyone. Charles Schwab Corp.'s users have cut their data prep time in half by using a new data prep capability in their data analytics and visualization platform.
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Interop ITX: Machine Learning Newbies Need Realistic Goals

You need two things to get started with machine learning at your organization -- a realistic vision of what you want to do and a census of the material or data that you have to work with.
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Bad Data: An Enterprise-level Threat

Being able to trust an autonomous system goes beyond ensuring that data is accurate; it also calls for understanding the origins of that data.
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[Ransomware] Defense & Preparedness - Before the Attack
In this webinar top experts will discuss methods for preventing ransomware code from getting through...
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The Unstoppable Progression of Object Storage
New developments in gateways, plugins, and more, offer far more value to users of object storage tha...
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5 Keys to Asking Better Questions of Data Scientists
Reasons why some enterprises struggle to drive business value from data science efforts. Read More
Careers: 10 Analytics Jobs That Pay The Most
Before you decide which way to take your analytics career in 2018, take a look at this slideshow, highlighting the highest-paying job titles for data analytics professionals. Read More
2018 State of the Cloud Report
Cloud adoption is growing, but how are organizations taking advantage of it? Interop ITX and InformationWeek surveyed technology decision-makers with titles such as CIO, CTO, IT manager and IT director, at North American companies on cloud computing usage and optimization strategies. Read More
Top IT Trends for 2018
As we enter a new year of technology planning, find out about the hot technologies organizations are using to advance their businesses and where the experts say IT is heading. Read More
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