Dear John,

I hope you had a nice weekend. 

In just three days time ClickZ audiences will be joining Deepcrawl and taking a deep-dive into technical SEO and how it can play a key role in your digital marketing strategy. 

Marketing teams aren't only missing out on key revenue generated by search engine results, SEO also drives down customer acquisition costs, accelerates conversions, and has a direct influence on revenue and reputation.

Join Tim Flagg, ClickZ and Deepcrawl on December 2nd, 5pm (GMT) to ensure your 2022 marketing strategy is equipped to give search the attention it deserves, register for your place here.

Kind regards,

Amy Wright
Marketing Executive, HRD Connect

From: ClickZ Webinars <>
Sent: 22 November 2021 14:00
Subject: Marketing's secret weapon for the search-first age