We only have until Oct. 31 to raise $10,000.

Friend — I wanted to make sure you saw Rose’s note below, and that you had a chance to double your impact in the fight against disinformation and hate before we reach our matching-gift deadline on Oct. 31.

From genocide against the Rohingya people in Myanmar to the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, the impact that disinformation is having on us is truly terrifying.

Just 2 days are left to help Free Press Action reach our critical $10,000 goal: Please make your contribution now to have 2x the impact in our fight against disinformation and hate.

In solidarity,


Free Press Action

Friend — There are just 3 days left to reach our $10,000 match goal. As news continues to break about the staggering range of Facebook’s abuses, will you donate today to have TWICE the impact on our fight against disinformation?

Thanks to the multiple Facebook whistleblowers who have come forward these last few weeks, we now have official confirmation of what we’ve known all along: While Facebook is fully capable of protecting people on its platforms, the company has again and again chosen profits over our safety, our health and our democracy.

Leaked documents show that Facebook has run comprehensive studies showing how hate and disinformation spread on its platforms — and how this content affects its users. Most damning, the leaks show that the company knew how to address these problems, but chose to do nothing.

Please donate now while your gift will be DOUBLED in support of the fight against lies and hate online.

During the scandal over Russian interference in the 2016 election in support of Trump, Facebook communications official Tucker Bounds allegedly told one of the whistleblowers: “Some legislators will get pissy. And then in a few weeks they will move onto something else. Meanwhile we are printing money in the basement, and we are fine.

As bipartisan support for regulating Facebook and Big Tech grows in Congress, we need your help to make sure meaningful action is taken to protect people’s privacy and civil rights. Please donate today while your gift will help provide TWICE the resources we need to move this fight forward.

What is happening with Facebook today is not a new story.

It is the same story of greed we saw when Big Tobacco hid the truth about what it knew as millions of people across the world died of cancer. It is the same story as when Big Oil lied about industry-fueled climate change so it could keep profiting from a warming planet.

Now, Big Tech is profiting off of disinformation that has driven an insurrection at the Capitol and contributed to countless deaths from COVID-19.

The fight against disinformation is a defining battle of our times. Could you help us raise $10,000 by Oct. 31 — and double your impact for our movement?

Thank you so much for your support,

Rose and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. “I, working for Facebook, had been a party to genocide.” This statement, from the second Facebook whistleblower to come forward this month, is not an exaggeration. Facebook failed to act as military officials in Myanmar spread hateful content that helped fuel mass killings of the Rohingya people. The platform’s failure to act on disinformation and hate has caused almost unthinkable harm across the world — and this is our moment to fight back. With just 3 days left for your gift to be DOUBLED, please donate now in support of our movement’s critical work.

Photo: The National Guard

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