What Free Press Is Doing Next.

Friend — As Jessica and I said in our message below, Free Press is ready to jump right into new initiatives and to adjust our efforts in response to the incoming Biden administration.

But Donald Trump and his lackeys are using Facebook and Twitter to spread lies about nonexistent voter fraud, sow confusion and fuel their desperate attempt to hold on to power and undermine the president-elect.

Donate now and we’ll put your gift to immediate use in our campaign demanding that Facebook and Twitter stop the spread of election disinformation now.

We believe that our democracy is strong enough to stop this attempted power grab — but we have to stand up and fight disinformation with everything we’ve got.

Help save our democracy — donate today.

Thank you so much,

Free Press Co-CEO



Joe Biden will be the next president.

Trumpism endures and must be confronted.

That’s the hopeful yet harrowing moment we find ourselves in now that the election is over, and the transition has begun.

Free Press is ready.

While we’ll remain vigilant for whatever a lame-duck Trump — or let’s face it, the year 2020 — might bring, we will be putting our collective energy toward repairing the damage done over the past four years, while diligently working to expand what’s possible in a Biden administration and new Congress.

We don’t want to put things back the way they used to be or return to business as usual, especially in Washington. Our goal is to seize this moment as the truly transformative one it can be.

Free Press will throw down from day one to push for immediate and concrete action to address the pandemic and economic crisis; to restore oversight and authority over the most powerful media, tech, and telecom companies; and to fight against hate and disinformation and for racial justice.

At the same time, we will oppose Trumpism — that toxic strain of racism, misogyny, bullying and greed exemplified by the 45th president and amplified by our broken media system. Trumpism must be defeated, not accommodated, and there’s no question that media and tech — from Facebook to Fox News to, God forbid, Trump TV — will remain at the center of this fight.

There’s a lot of work to do. And that’s why we’re providing a list of actions you can take today to begin this important work:

  1. Read more about our immediate priorities here. These include the ways we’ll work to undo the destruction of the past four years and pressure a Biden administration to enact policies that will actually help people.
  2. Trump continues to bombard Facebook and Twitter with deceitful posts designed to undermine the election results and rile up his base. This is dangerous. Sign the petition calling on these platforms to step up their response and defend democracy.
  3. Our team developed a database of resources to help journalists cover white supremacists, remain safe during public demonstrations, ensure that those in power do not undermine the election, and much more. Check it out and share it with your friends and family.
  4. We have a lot of important work ahead of us. You can help us accomplish our ambitious goals in 2021 by making a gift here.

We know the next few weeks could be volatile as Trump resists leaving office or just tries to steal everything on his way out. That’s why we’re part of the Protect the Results coalition and will continue mobilizing against any efforts to undermine the election. We’ll be in touch with more ways you can take action.

In the days ahead, we will continue to dream — of the media we deserve, of the stories waiting to be told, of the world we can build — while making the plans and creating the structures to actually get there. That’s what Free Press does: We connect the dreams with the details, raising hell while still reading the footnotes, winning again and again when we’re told we don’t have a chance.

But now we do have a chance, maybe the best in our 17 years of existence, to spark meaningful and transformative change.

And with your help, we intend to seize the moment.

Jessica and Craig
Free Press Co-CEOs

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