We need you with us to remind the media of their role in our democracy


In a time of rising authoritarianism, the media must be a watchdog for the people — and democracy — and adhere to the highest journalistic standards.

Sign our petition calling on media executives to commit to reporting on threats to our democracy.

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All of us at Free Press Action

Free Press Action


Since the assassination attempt on former President Trump, some pundits and politicians have suggested that the media refrain from covering rising authoritarianism1 in this country. We urge news outlets to wholeheartedly reject such a dereliction of journalistic duty, and to rigorously report on threats to our democracy.

Media coverage shapes both public discourse and people’s understanding of events of the day. This is particularly critical during contentious times — a presidential-election year, for instance. Media coverage can invite public engagement and robust participation in the democratic process. It can also be manipulated2 to promote falsehoods for political gain and to silence dissent.

The political landscape we face today is growing ever more extreme, and media coverage must rise to the occasion. We have seen the rise of political figures who fan the flames of bigotry and reject the rule of law. And in the run-up to Jan. 6, 2021, the far-right spread disinformation to help disrupt the peaceful transition of power.

The moral abdication of media executives has devastating impacts3 on people of color, women, immigrants, the LGBTQIA+ community and other vulnerable populations. Media companies should not make false equivalencies between those who are trying to protect democracy and those who are seeking to overthrow it.

Sign our petition calling on media execs and news outlets to commit to covering the rise of authoritarianism in the United States and around the world.

Thank you for your support,

Nora Benavidez
Senior Counsel and Director of Digital Justice and Civil Rights
Free Press Action

1.“Understanding and Responding to Global Democratic Backsliding,” Carnegie Endowment, Oct. 20, 2022

2. “The Long and Brutal History of Fake News,” Politico, Dec. 18, 2016

3. An Invitation to Dream Up Media Reparations, Media 2070, October 2020

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