Call your member of Congress NOW


Keeping it quick: The House will vote on an extension of a domestic-spying program as soon as tomorrow. Call your lawmakers NOW and tell them to block this clandestine scheme.

Here’s a sample script to get you started:

Hello! My name is (First Name). I'm a constituent and am calling to ask Rep. Sherman to oppose sweeping surveillance under Section 702 of FISA.

Revisions to 702 authority must include amendments to close the backdoor-search and data-broker loopholes that enable warrantless surveillance of people in the United States and Americans abroad.

Section 702 is routinely abused to uncover Americans’ calls, texts, emails, locations and internet activity — without a warrant or adequate oversight. An overwhelming majority of the public believes in a right to privacy, and we’re going to make sure Congress hears our voices.

Thanks so much for speaking out,

Nora and the rest of the Free Press Action team

Free Press Action


It’s just as we feared: The House is rushing ahead with a vote to expand domestic government-surveillance powers by reauthorizing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) without much-needed reforms.

Warrantless surveillance is never acceptable, and it’s even more dystopian when government and law enforcement agencies like the FBI and the NSA target people seeking reproductive care or engaging in peaceful protests.

In other words, Congress is rushing to reauthorize and expand a significant surveillance authority when it should be reining these activities in: We need oversight, not overreach.

Call Congress today and tell lawmakers that a reauthorization of domestic spy powers without key reforms is unacceptable.

Here’s a sample script to get you started:

Hello! My name is (First Name). I'm a constituent and am calling to ask Rep. Sherman to oppose sweeping surveillance under Section 702 of FISA.

Revisions to 702 authority must include amendments to close the backdoor-search and data-broker loopholes that enable warrantless surveillance of people in the United States and Americans abroad.

Thank you for defending our basic rights,

Jenna and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Monitoring this kind of activity on Capitol Hill takes a lot of resources — if you’re able, please chip in $10 or anything you can to make our watchdog efforts possible.

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