We value your input, !

We just wanted to make sure you saw Dutch’s email.

A few days ago, we sent out a survey, and Free Press supporters from across the country are giving valuable input on their concerns and priorities.

Will you take our 2023 Fall Supporter Survey now? We’re closing this survey on September 20th, so don’t miss your chance to make your voice heard.

Thank you!

The Free Press team

Free Press

We want to hear from you. Yes, you!

As we celebrate the 20th (!!!) anniversary of Free Press and prepare for Congress to return to Capitol Hill after a long summer recess, we want to learn more about you as we build and strengthen our movement.

We spend a lot of time talking about combatting disinformation, protecting your online privacy, fighting for Net Neutrality and much more — but this conversation isn’t one-sided. Hearing directly from our supporters helps us understand the priorities of the people who make Free Press, Free Press. And your feedback helps us understand how useful our communications are.

So we’re asking: Will you take our brief supporter survey to tell us more about yourself and the issues you’re most concerned about? It should take no more than 2–3 minutes to complete.

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with us,

Dutch and the rest of the Free Press team

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