Mark, if you love regulation so much, why don’t you endorse this bill?


Mark Zuckerberg claims that he wants Facebook to be regulated. Here’s his chance to prove he’s serious: Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Doris Matsui have introduced legislation, the Algorithmic Justice and Online Platform Transparency Act, that would prevent online platforms from using your personal info in a discriminatory way.

Urge Mark Zuckerberg to endorse this crucial bill today.



Free Press Action

Mark Zuckerberg claims that Facebook wants to be regulated. But actions speak louder than words: Tell Facebook to publicly endorse new legislation that would prevent online platforms’ discriminatory use of personal information.


Last week, Mark Zuckerberg rolled out some “big announcements” in response to the Facebook Oversight's Board's review of Donald Trump's suspension.

And what did we get? A mere two-year ban for Trump that’s perfectly timed to let him off the hook in time for the 2024 election cycle. And a set of provisions designed to sound like a big deal when in reality they amount to almost no change.

At the same time, Mark Zuckerberg has spent years telling anyone who would listen — from policymakers on Capitol Hill to readers of The Washington Post — that Facebook wants to be regulated. The company is currently running a massive advertising campaign on cable-news networks, broadcast stations in the D.C. area and various podcasts saying that it supports “updated internet regulations to set clear guidelines for addressing today’s toughest challenges.”

It’s time for Mark Zuckerberg to back up his words with action: Call on the CEO to publicly endorse legislation that would stop algorithmic discrimination.

Sen. Edward Markey and Rep. Doris Matsui just introduced new legislation, the Algorithmic Justice and Online Platform Transparency Act, that would prevent online platforms from using your personal information in a discriminatory way.1

The bill is a strong step in the right direction and would prevent companies like Facebook from using algorithms to discriminate in hiring, housing, lending and other areas of opportunity. It would compel the Federal Trade Commission to develop and update regulations around unfair and deceptive advertising practices by technology platforms. It would also force more transparency and disclosure and includes important whistleblower protections.

So we have to ask: “Mark, if you love regulation so much, why don’t you marry endorse it?”

Tell Mark Zuckerberg to publicly endorse new legislation that would prevent online platforms’ discriminatory use of personal information.

Thanks for all you do,

Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Mark Zuckerberg claims he loves regulation. Urge the CEO to back up his words with action and publicly endorse a new bill that would prevent online platforms from using your personal info in a discriminatory manner.

1. “Free Press Action Supports New Legislation Preventing Algorithmic Discrimination by Big Tech,” Free Press Action, May 27, 2021

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