Did you see this big news?!

We're just making sure you saw the news that the FCC is taking the first step toward reinstating Title II to safeguard Net Neutrality and protect broadband users.

But here’s the thing: The big internet service providers will pressure the FCC to weaken, stall or stop this process. They'll round up their buddies in Congress. They’ve already started to flood the internet and the airwaves with lies and misinformation.

That’s why we launched an emergency rapid response fundraising campaign with the goal of raising $10,000 by midnight on Saturday. Reaching this goal will help ensure we have the resources we need to push the FCC to move forward on Title II – and beat back the attacks from the ISPs and their armies of lobbyists.

Will you help us smash this goal with a gift today? Right now, we have a match offer on the table, meaning anything you give will be matched by a generous donor and go TWICE as far.

Thank you,

All of us at Free Action Press

Free Press Action


BIG NEWS: With a fully functional FCC finally in place, the agency just announced that they’re ready to tackle Title II to safeguard Net Neutrality and protect broadband users! This is a HUGE moment, so we’ll get right to it:

We’re launching a rapid response fundraising campaign to raise $10,000 by Saturday at midnight to ensure we have the resources we need to push the FCC to reinstate Title II and Net Neutrality to regulate ISPs like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon. Will you make your first gift of $10 or any amount to help us get there? A generous donor is MATCHING ALL GIFTS, so your donation today has double the impact:

Regardless of how each of us feels about the internet, we can all agree that companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon shouldn’t control what both Congress and the White House have recognized as an essential utility.

When the Trump FCC ditched its Title II authority in 2017, it walked out on the job of overseeing the most important communications infrastructure of our time — leaving users vulnerable to extortionate and monopolistic prices, discrimination, billing fraud, dwindling competition, privacy violations and all manner of shady behaviors by high-speed internet providers.

And guess what? That move was incredibly unpopular. Overwhelming majorities of both Democrats and Republicans supported keeping the FCC’s 2015 Obama-era rules.

But there’s one group of people who didn’t mind: ISPs and their zillions of lobbyists who continue to benefit from exploitative pricing schemes for substandard service. And like every other time before now, they will stop at nothing to stall or completely stop the FCC from moving forward on the process to reinstate Title II.

Unlike the ISPs, we don’t have massive profits to fund our advocacy efforts. Instead, we’re relying on generous support from folks like you, one grassroots contribution at a time. Will you take advantage of this special matching gift offer and rush your first gift to Free Press to help us hit our $10,000 rapid response goal?

Thank you for rushing your support to show the strength of this grassroots movement. Hitting this goal puts us in a stronger position to take on whatever ISPs like Comcast throw at us — and win.

More soon,

Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action team

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