Facebook won’t stop until we make it.


Facebook supposedly prohibits buying and selling guns on its platform, but a user can violate that rule 10 times before getting kicked off. That’s 10 guns bought and sold, in direct contradiction to Facebook’s own rules — putting our communities further at risk.

As we face a renewed surge of gun violence and white-supremacist terror, it’s critical that we have the resources to continue pressing Facebook to enforce its own policies. Donate now to Free Press so that we can ramp up our efforts to force Facebook to end gun sales on its platform and curb white- supremacist violence.

Thanks so much!


Free Press

Dear Friend,

Facebook is at it again: The platform is violating its own terms of service so it can profit from gun sales.

Facebook supposedly prohibits buying and selling guns on its platform, but a user can violate that rule 10 times before getting kicked off.1That’s 10 guns bought and sold, in direct contradiction to Facebook’s own rules — putting our communities further at risk for gun violence.

As we face a renewed surge of gun violence and white-supremacist terror, it’s critical that we have the resources to continue pressing Facebook to enforce its own policies and change the terms so that people are protected, not targeted. Donate now to Free Press so that we can ramp up our efforts to force Facebook to end gun sales on its platform and curb white-supremacist violence.

Free Press has been working for years to hold Facebook and other social-media giants accountable. As a leader of the Change the Terms coalition, we have pressured tech companies to institute terms of service that won’t harm our communities or incite violence.

The revelation of Facebook’s leniency around gun sales is no surprise given its track record on violence in general. Free Press has long called on Facebook to ban calls-to-arms from its event pages — a simple and commonsense change that could save lives.

The bottom line is: It’s profitable for Facebook to allow violent content and gun sales — and it won’t stop until we make it stop.

Donate now to help hold Facebook — and the other social-media giants — accountable. They’ve had more than 10 strikes — and it’s time to end the violence, disinformation and hate that they KNOWINGLY allow on their platforms.

With gratitude,

Rose and the rest of the Free Press team

P.S. Free Press is at the forefront of efforts to ensure that social-media platforms work for us and protect all of us. Could you make a donation today of any amount to help us continue leading this fight?

1. “Facebook’s Ban on Gun Sales Gives Sellers Ten Strikes Before Booting Them,” The Washington Post, June 9, 2022

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