A Rupert Murdoch giveaway? That’s the last thing we need.


Rupert Murdoch is one of the richest people in the world and his conglomerate News Corp. doesn’t need a bailout. But a terrible bill, the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act, would pad the profits of companies like Rupert’s — and do nothing to help communities that need better local journalism.

This bill is moving fast: Take two minutes to call your representative in the House and urge them to vote NO on the JCPA.


The Free Press Action team

Free Press Action


With just a few weeks left before Congress goes on its holiday recess, we have our eyes locked on D.C. to make sure bad bills don’t get voted into law. And if we don’t act right now, a terrible bill might cross the finish line.

The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) is an industry-written bill that would pad the profits of media conglomerates like Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. The JCPA is a bailout for the very same corporations that have laid off journalists and harmed communities after taking on enormous amounts of debt and consolidating the industry.

The JCPA is rumored to be moving its way through a key committee next week and we need your help to stop it.

Call Rep. Lieu and demand a NO vote on the JCPA.

Here’s what you can say when the office picks up:

My name is (NAME) and I am urging you to vote no on the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act. The JCPA is a giveaway to big media companies and their armies of lobbyists. Congress should pass laws that ensure funds reach newsroom workers, not just their corporate bosses.

The JCPA would do nothing to help local reporters or expand coverage in communities that aren't being served.

If Congress really wants to promote local journalism, we have plenty of ideas for how it could do it that don’t involve massive giveaways to broadcasters that have harmed communities of color and given a huge megaphone to right-wing talking points.

Please call Rep. Lieu today and tell them to vote NO on the JCPA.

Thanks for all that you do—

The Free Press Action team

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