We’ve waited long enough for a fully functioning FCC


We’re urging Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to hold a floor vote in the Senate to confirm the FCC nominees without further delay — so the deadlock at the agency will finally end.

We’re trying to gather as many petition signatures as possible — but it doesn’t look like you’ve had a chance to take action yet, Friend. Will you join us in telling Sen. Schumer to hold a floor vote before the August recess?

Then check out Heather’s original email below.

Thank you so much,

All of us at Free Press Action

Free Press Action


The FCC has remained in an unprecedented 2–2 deadlock since January 2021, the result of efforts by the phone, cable and broadcast lobbies to hamstring the agency that oversees their businesses. Earlier this year, those lobbyists sabotaged the nomination of public-interest advocate Gigi Sohn, but now we have a chance to finally get a fully functioning FCC.

The Senate needs to confirm nominee Anna Gomez and reconfirm Commissioner Geoffrey Starks ASAP to ensure that the FCC can improve the lives of internet users, cellphone customers, TV watchers and radio listeners (aka everyone) before time runs out. It’s Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s job to make sure that happens.

Could you sign our petition urging Sen. Schumer to hold a floor vote for FCC nominees Gomez and Starks *before* the August recess?

The delay in breaking the FCC’s deadlock has hurt everyday people the most. We need a fully functioning agency to do things like hold companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon accountable when they harm consumers.

The Senate must confirm Gomez and Starks as quickly as possible. As majority leader, Chuck Schumer needs to get this done. Please join us in making that happen.

Thanks for all that you do—

Heather and the rest of the Free Press Action team

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