No other nominee in the FCC's history has had to wait so long for a Senate confirmation vote.


More than two years have passed since we’ve had a fully functional Federal Communications Commission. Never before have we had to wait so long for an FCC confirmation.

Obstructionist lawmakers have taken part in a vicious smear campaign against President Biden’s nominee Gigi Sohn, orchestrated by industry groups that are trying to keep the federal agency that oversees their businesses deadlocked.

There’s too much at stake to let special interests win. Fuel our fight for a fully functional FCC with a donation to Free Press Action today.

Then check out Heather’s email below.

Thank you,

All of us at Free Press Action

Free Press Action

The campaign to sabotage public-interest advocate Gigi Sohn’s confirmation to fill the fifth and tie-breaking seat at the Federal Communications Commission is a disgrace. Help Free Press Action fight back with a donation today. »


We’re fed up. Gigi Sohn continues to face a relentless onslaught of antisemitic, homophobic and deceitful attacks. We’ve been calling out this smear campaign for nearly a year — and it has escalated in recent weeks with increasingly hateful language and false allegations.1

Those opposing Sohn? The likes of AT&T, Comcast and the Murdochs — who own, among other outlets, The Wall Street Journal and Fox News.

Why? Telecom companies and broadcasters regulated by the FCC benefit from the deadlock, so they’ve repeatedly smeared and misrepresented Sohn’s record in the media and on Capitol Hill.

The Senate needs to stop letting cynical political maneuvers from obstructionist lawmakers and industry lobbyists further delay the FCC’s crucial work. We rely on support from people like you to fuel our campaign to get a fully functional FCC in place. Will you help us ramp up our fight pressing the Senate to confirm Gigi Sohn? There’s never been a better time to make your very first donation to Free Press Action.

The delay in confirming Gigi Sohn has had severe consequences. And, as usual, the people who always suffer the most when the government doesn’t work — low-income families; Black, Latinx and Indigenous people; and people in rural areas — are bearing the worst consequences.

Without a fully functional FCC, the agency has been unable to tackle key issues on its ever-growing list of things it needs to accomplish in the next two years. That includes things like:

  • Making sure that people can afford their high-speed internet bills — and can understand what they’re paying for when they get those bills;
  • Investigating decades of racism in the agency’s policies to ensure that those harms can be repaired and we can build an equitable communications system in the United States;
  • Restoring strong Net Neutrality protections and the agency’s authority to regulate broadband under Title II;
  • Fulfilling the agency’s commitment to diverse and local media ownership at a time of runaway media consolidation across the industry; and
  • Protecting people from the whims of big corporations that only care about maximizing their profits.

We're in the fight of our lives — but together, we can stop Comcast’s lobbyists and obstructionist lawmakers from getting in the way of the policies needed to protect your rights to connect and communicate. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to give, this is it. Start your first donation to Free Press Action today.

Thanks for all that you do—

Heather and the rest of the Free Press Action team

1. “Smear Campaign Targets FCC Nominee Who Would Be FCC’s First Openly Gay Commissioner,” NBC News, Feb. 3, 2023

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