This urgent petition is missing your name


Despite its importance, broadband-internet access in the United States is far from universal.

Tens of millions of households rely on the Affordable Connectivity Program to make ends meet and ensure they have the ability to participate in everyday life — but the program will run out of money if Congress doesn’t act.

We’re missing your name on this urgent petition: Will you join Free Press Action in urging Congress to appropriate more money to the Affordable Connectivity Program?

Then read Heather’s original email below.

Thank you so much,

All of us at Free Press Action

Free Press Action


In 2021, our advocacy paved the way for historic broadband provisions in the bipartisan infrastructure package that President Biden signed into law. This investment in closing the digital divide included nearly $65 billion (!!!) for broadband.

A remarkable $14.2 billion of that total was dedicated to the creation of the FCC’s Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). The program provides households living near the poverty line or enrolled in other federal-aid programs with up to $30 per month for the internet package of their choosing from participating providers — and $75 per month for people living on Tribal lands.

More than 18 million households are currently enrolled in the program right now, and enrollment numbers are only going up. Unless Congress gives more funding to the ACP, millions of people will lose access to high-speed internet. Will you add your name to our petition urging members of Congress to appropriate more money to the Affordable Connectivity Program?

The need to have affordable broadband internet at home is undeniable, and is particularly important in light of the need to connect to online work, telemedicine and remote schooling. Living without home-internet access makes it harder to apply for jobs, pursue educational opportunities, stay informed and organize for social change.

The more people who join us in demanding action, the more powerful we’ll be: Tell Congress to fund the Affordable Connectivity Program.

Thanks for all that you do—

Heather and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Broadband internet is an essential utility in the 21st century, but the cost of connectivity is too high. Sign our petition urging Congress to appropriate more money to the Affordable Connectivity program today.

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