Contact your member of Congress now to oppose government spying


We don’t have a lot of time since things are moving quickly on Capitol Hill. Did you see Jenna’s note below about how Congress could extend a domestic-spying program if we don’t stop them?

This is our best chance to oppose government surveillance: Contact your lawmakers today and tell them to block this clandestine scheme.

Abuses of Section 702 would result in hundreds of thousands of warrantless searches of Americans’ medical data, calls, texts, emails, locations and internet activity. Our privacy rights are too important — and a supermajority of the public agrees — to be exploited.

Thanks so much for speaking out,

Nora and the rest of the Free Press Action team

Free Press Action


Free Press Action recently joined 30+ civil-society organizations urging lawmakers to keep all expansions of domestic government-surveillance powers out of any must-pass funding bills. And we’re calling on Congress to reject any efforts to reauthorize and extend Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).1

Loopholes in our federal laws enable law enforcement and intelligence agencies like the FBI and NSA to spy on us — our calls, texts, emails, locations, internet histories, even medical data — without any public or judicial oversight. These loopholes allow private companies to buy up troves of our data and sell this information to government agencies — undermining our basic constitutional and due process rights.

We should never allow warrantless surveillance of everyday people in the United States, especially in an era where our digital privacy is deeply tied to reproductive care and the ability to participate in demonstrations absent targeted spying.2 If Congress is going to advance a surveillance package this year, tell lawmakers to get it right: Any bill must protect our Fourth Amendment rights through warrant requirements and must ban purchases of our data through third-party commercial entities.

We need your help! Tell Congress that a reauthorization of domestic spy powers is unacceptable without meaningful reforms.

The FBI and the NSA are harvesting our data and abusing this information for malicious purposes that have nothing to do with national security.3We’ve seen protesters, journalists, judges and others investigated and intimidated because of Section 702 and the data-broker loophole. Congress is rushing to reauthorize and expand this authority when it should be reining it in. Lawmakers know that public opinion is overwhelmingly against them,4 which is why they keep trying to jam this through before we notice — but we always notice.

Thank you for defending your basic rights,

Jenna and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Monitoring this kind of activity on Capitol Hill takes a lot of resources — if you’re able, please chip in $10 or anything you can to make our watchdog efforts possible.

1. “Coalition Letter Urging Congressional Leaders to Keep Section 702 Reauthorization Out of Continuing Resolution,” Brennan Center for Justice, Feb. 29, 2024

2. “Opinion: Before the Feds Surveil Americans for Gaza Protests, Rein in Warrantless Spying,” The Los Angeles Times, Feb. 8, 2024

3. “PCLOB Report Reveals New Abuses of FISA Section 702,” Brennan Center for Justice, Oct. 11, 2023

4. “NEW POLLING: As Mass Surveillance Debate Reaches Final Stages in Congress, Americans Demonstrate Overwhelming Support for Increased Privacy Protections,” Demand Progress Education Fund, Dec. 14, 2023

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