FY20 Comfort Partners Proposed Budget Revisions - Request for Comments | |
Request for Comments – Revisions to the Fiscal Year 2020 Comfort Partners Compliance Filing Staff is requesting comments on proposed revisions to the Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20) Comfort Partners Compliance Filing. Proposed changes are "redlined" against the original FY20 Comfort Partners Compliance Filing and can be accessed here. Please note that the proposed changes are related to re-alignment of individual utility budgets and do not include a change in the total FY20 program budget; a summary of the proposed changes is included below. These changes have been proposed in order to react to current participation trends and to account for the evaluation study which is in the development stage, and is now anticipated to be conducted in Fiscal Year 2021. Please submit comments to publiccomments@NJCleanEnergy.com by Thursday March 5, 2020 at 5pm and reference "Revised FY20 Comfort Partners Compliance Filing" in the subject line. | Stay Informed: NEWSLETTER NJCleanEnergy.com/NEWSLETTER LISTSERVS NJCleanEnergy.com/LISTSERVS | | |
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