Plus, the battle over gig work after California's Prop 22, and more...

August 23, 2021
The CEO Trying to Build a White, Christian, Secessionist Tech Industry
Andrew Torba, CEO of Gab, represents the new, even more right-wing alternative to Silicon Valley.
by Jacob Silverman
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Our foreign policy wise people responded to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks by embracing belligerence. What, if anything, have they learned?
by Jordan Michael Smith
Of course people are mad at him for that.
by Caroline Orr Bueno


Workers won an important decision in a California court, but with companies like Uber and Lyft vowing to fight it, the war over Prop 22 and copycat legislation has only just begun.
by Jacob Silverman
The president finally retreated from his hyper-defensiveness and reached into his bag of empathy. And it was about time.
by Walter Shapiro
Critics of Biden's withdrawal are using women as props to push for more war.
by Natalie Shure
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