Employee Data Privacy; How Cloud Impacts Privacy; Top 5 Data Privacy Penalties Post-GDPR

InformationWeek Leadership careers
December 07, 2022
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How to Build Privacy By Design Into Customer Experience
The predatory nature of data collection is spiking demand for data privacy protection as part of the customer experience. Are you ready to deliver that?

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Stealth Data Collection Threatens Employee Privacy

Secretly and quietly, often without enterprise knowledge or permission, cybersecurity and monitoring tools are scooping up an array of sensitive employee data.
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Data Privacy and Protection in the Age of Cloud

With more data on more cloud platforms being subject to increasingly stringent regulations, traditional approaches to protecting data fall short.
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The Top 5 Data Privacy Penalties Post-GDPR

From California to China and the country that fined itself, here are the five most interesting data privacy penalties of 2021-22.
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  • Evolving Security Strategy Without Slowing App Delivery

    Organizations are rapidly adopting cloud services and migrating workloads to cloud environments. The technology shift has forced changes in both development and release processes, as well as cloud security strategies. Register now to learn more!

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Privacy Debate for 2023: Can Data Collection Persist As Is?
More layers of state and federal regulation on data privacy loom on the horizon, with political agendas and business needs also adding tension to the mix. Read More
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Data Clean Rooms: Enabling Analytics, Protecting Privacy
Data clean rooms offer a way for organizations to collaborate with and share data in a protected environment that preserves privacy and governance. Here's why they are on the rise now. Read More
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10 Actionable Tips for Managing/Governing Data
Here is a quick look at things you can do to help govern and manage your data in the most practical sense. Read More
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Top Business Needs Driving IT Spending Today
Cutting costs alone won’t save the company in times of economic crisis. So, what will? Read More
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