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The specs: Galaxy Note 9 vs. S9 vs. iPhone X vs. Pixel 2 XL

Is the Galaxy Note 9 now the most powerful phone for professionals? Here's how it stacks up to other flagship models.

Additional TechRepublic resources

Samsung Galaxy Note 9: A cheat sheet

Samsung releases Galaxy Note 9: World's first terabyte phone for business pros

Samsung launches DeX dongle: Here's how it stacks up to the original

How to use the updated S Pen with Bluetooth in Samsung's Galaxy Note 9

The 10 best states to launch a tech startup in the US

WhatsApp could be a bad choice for your encrypted business messages

Half of IT pros say it would be easy to turn to cybercrime without getting caught

Automation can speed projects--but it's not right for every task

Why a smart city might not be a good partner for your business

New from Tech Pro Research

Streaming media policy

Although there are many legitimate business reasons to access streamed audio and video files—such as engaging in training, reviewing industry-related content, and conducting research—there are also opportunities for misuse. This policy provides guidelines for the appropriate use of streaming media on systems and devices that access company networks.

Download spotlight

Managing remote workers: A business leader's guide (free PDF)

The popularity of remote working opportunities has skyrocketed, with work-from-home becoming a key hiring tool and giving companies numerous benefits—such as cost savings, improved productivity, and better morale. But it’s important for organizations to set guidelines and approach any remote worker programs carefully to ensure success. This ebook looks at tips, strategies, and best practices for managing a remote workforce.

Featured Webcast

Live Webcast: Exploits vs. Vulnerabilities: Know the difference and reduce your attack surface

The frequency, sophistication, and targeted nature of cyberattacks have drastically changed approaches to cyber security. With new threats every day, plus the tens of thousands of known exploits and vulnerabilities, organizations have a very hard...

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Digital transformation: A CXO's guide

Reimagining business for the digital age is the number-one priority for many of today's top executives. We offer practical advice and examples of how to do it right.

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