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September 16-30, 2017
Best Astrologer Winner 3 years in a row

Game-Changing Fall Equinox

Dear John,

Blessings to you and yours!

My opening thoughts ran a little long for this space, so I put them in the article right under this one. Enjoy them there! 

game-changing Fall Equinox, a service-oriented Virgo New Moon and a potent Jupiter-Uranus opposition headline the second half of September. We'll also be looking at Pluto turning direct and plenty of powerful aspect patterns.

More below. Enjoy this AstroShaman News!
Is It Mine to Do?

Any conscious person can see that the world is experiencing a huge number of critical challenges now. I've talked to many clients deeply concerned about our current state of affairs, but who feel overwhelmed and helpless. Faced with so many difficulties on so many fronts, it's easy to feel like your own efforts can't make any real difference. Why bother? Why not just watch Netflix all day?

I've entertained similar thoughts, but not anymore. These days, I know what I'm here to do. This is because I'm operating less from intellect and more from intuition. Our minds are easily overwhelmed by the complexity of the world's numerous crises. But your intuition knows exactly what you can do in each moment to be most helpful.

Based on my ongoing inner work, it's clear to me that the Golden Age is arising. There's no doubt that the light will ultimately prevail over the darkness ... which is only coming into our awareness to be purged.

But on a day-to-day basis, it seems to me that the forces of light are improvising. They need lightworkers who can receive intuitive instruction in real time, and adjust their actions on the fly. If you can't already do this, you can gain this ability by deepening your spiritual awakening. (Thousands have found my free invocations helpful for this.)

The forces of darkness get most of the headlines, but have no doubt: the forces of light now bringing in the Golden Age are vast, and their ranks are constantly growing. We work mostly behind the scenes, but we're getting the job done.

Do you have a fundamental urge to make the world a better place ... even if you can't figure out how? Remember that you don't have to solve all the world's problems yourself. With millions of us on the job, and each one acting as intuitively guided in the moment, everything that needs to happen for the light to prevail is occurring.

The next time you feel overwhelmed by the enormity of our challenges, just ask your inner guidance: "Is it mine to do?" If so, get busy! If not, ask what is yours to do. There's no shortage of assignments ... just as there are no words adequate to describe the deep bliss and profound satisfaction of the divine blessings received by those who serve the light.

P.S. In addition to supporting your individual healing and awakening, most of my weekly EASE calls now include divinely directed group service work to support the incoming Golden Age. EASE, the Embodied Awakening Support Experience, is free. Please join us if you feel so called!
Soul Speak: Join Now Before it's Done!

The virtual retreat and learning event I'm part of, Soul Speak 4, continues for a few more days ... and it's not too late to get involved! 

This is a rare opportunity to peek into the minds of top spiritual leaders, teachers, healers and expert coaches. They're ready to reveal how you too can live the life of your heart's vision. They'll not only share their personal practices, but will also give you the information you need to increase your own mastery.

My colleague, #1 Best-Selling Author Sheldon Pizzinat, has brought together 30 of the world's top teachers and experts. We're doing a special once-a-year FREE online retreat for your soul: Soul Speak - Dissolve your Blocks, Awaken your Power, Live your Dream!
This virtual event could transform your life and help you live with greater awareness of who you truly are. Whether you're a seasoned spiritual adventurer or brand new to the path, this online retreat can help you experience remarkable change.
This Week in Astrology logo
"This Week in Astrology" Podcast

Episode 454    September 16-30
iTunes' #1 astrology podcast!

A game-changing Fall Equinox, a service-oriented Virgo New Moon and a potent Jupiter-Uranus opposition headline the second half of September. We'll also be looking at Pluto turning direct and plenty of powerful aspect patterns!

In our Part One Listener Chart, the transiting Jupiter-Uranus opposition lands smack on top of Nancy's Sun ... as well as her double-angle ruling Jupiter! Her lunar nodes and Mercury - also a double-angle ruler - are also energized. Learn how she can spin gold from one of 2017's most powerful aspects!

Insightful, Professional, Impressive!

Benjamin really knows what he is doing! He is extremely well-versed in his craft, and provided me with incredible insights that resonated deeply. I would recommend him to anyone who wishes to optimize their life in any way!

     -- A.W., Sept. 14, 2017 (5-star review)

Educated, Intuitive Visionary

WOW, my experience with Benjamin was enriching on many levels. He performs as a well seasoned Master in his arts. What an inspirational and motivating leader. I am forever grateful to have shared my first session with him. 

He offered an in-depth Astrology reading also performed and suggested some key Shamanic Healing processes. Hearing his words of wisdom were highly reassuring. Thank you for your insight of my unique situation. I am super excited for our next session together.

     -- Richard Shawber, Sept. 6, 2017 (5-star review)

Mark Your Calendar


Tue., September 19, 7-9 pm: I host a Shamanic Awakening Ceremony at my home in Asheville, NC.


Tue., October 17, 7-9 pm: I host a Shamanic Awakening Ceremony at my home in Asheville, NC.


I facilitate FREE weekly events via phone or web to empower your healing, awakening, and much more. Check out EASE, the Embodied Awakening Support Experience!
September 16-30: Game-Changing Fall Equinox

game-changing Fall Equinox, a service-oriented Virgo New Moon and a potent Jupiter-Uranus opposition headline the second half of September. We'll also be looking at Pluto turning direct and plenty of powerful aspect patterns!
In Closing

Thanks for taking the time to read this, John. Your comments are always welcome. May the stars light your way!

Infinite blessings,
Benjamin Bernstein

Contact me

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Let EASE (Embodied Awakening Support Experience) help you experience or deepen your spiritual awakening. It's FREE!

Try my FREE Heal and Awaken Invocations: simple, powerful tools to accelerate your healing and awakening!
My Astrology+ and Shamanic Healing sessions are just as powerful long distance as in person.