Wednesday Update
A quick "thank you" for your continued readership, and to our sponsors for supporting ChannelE2E. Now that our data is finalized for February, we can reiterate that ChannelE2E is by far the fastest-growing website we've ever launched. Thanks to you.
Next Moves: We're set to unveil the ChannelE2E 100 -- the top 100 entrepreneurs, startups and exits in the IT channel -- as part of our March 31 webcast. Register now. Our guest speakers include three MSPs that are deeply involved in M&A and growth strategies: Aldridge President and COO Patrick Wiley along with Jamison West and Scott Hamlin, the leaders of two Seattle-area MSPs (Arterian and PacketDrivers) that Aldridge recently acquired. Register now and join us March 31.
• Amy Katz, CEO,
• Joe Panettieri, Content Czar,