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Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist)
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IN THIS ISSUE - For Everyone: (1)​ Today's Humor, (2) NewThink #8 - Does Gary Endorse Other EFT Trainings?, (3) Sowing Love Seeds, (4) Recommended Previous Articles/Videos To Review, (5) NEED MORE HELP?

For OEFT Course Members - ADVANCED: (1) Our next Webinar, (2) Dianne Asks About Self-Limiting Beliefs, (3) Q&A On Our Many Metaphors, (4) Q&A On Our Many Metaphors


Today's Humor: Giggle incessantly with Mark Gungor's hilarious comparison between men and women. The part comparing the differences in brains is particularly funny and begins at 16:20.

Watch video


NewThink - Episode 8
Does Gary Endorse Other EFT Trainings?

Note:  For best results, this NewThink series assumes you have read my free intro e-book, The Unseen Therapist.

From Gary: Due to my "Open Hand Policy" in 1995, enthusiastic EFT'ers world-wide have each shifted EFT to match their own belief filters. The result has been an interesting array of EFT trainings and certifications that differ widely, even from each other. In this video, I give the details.

Watch video


Sowing Love Seeds

Create a holiday to celebrate someone you love... or a neighbor... or someone who simply needs it. Call it something like "Sandy Appreciation Day" and write a note of gratitude for his/her activities and presence. Invite others to do the same.

This way everyone shares love and everyone benefits, including you.



1. Read my  free e-book, The Unseen Therapist, for a solid understanding of our latest advancement, Optimal EFT.

2. Join our  Optimal EFT Course Membership for professionals and self-help students. Taught by me. ln-depth work. Credentials. Touch the World.

3. Become certified through our top-level  Complete EFT Certification program. Enter the upper echelons of the world's most effective healing professionals.

4. Engage one of our highly trained, certified,  Official EFT Practitioners.

5. For more info please visit  The Gary Craig Official EFT Training Centers.



For the Optimal EFT Course Membership

(a paid facility for professionals and self-help students)

Details and pricing for this Membership

Our next Webinar: It will be on Sunday, June 28, at 10am Pacific time. It will be dedicated to Members' questions/comments about our Advanced Lessons, Self-Help Sessions, Challenging cases, personal uses or anything else that will help us climb our Stairway to Miracles.

Newbie and Oldbie questions encouraged.

I will begin with an experimental group session wherein we "Become The Unseen Therapist" and aim it at our various issues. Could be interesting.

Member Brenda McEachern will also describe her "Message from The Unseen Therapist" and its positive effect on her COPD.


Dianne Asks About Self-Limiting Beliefs

Note: For best comprehension of this article, it is assumed the reader has read my book, The Unseen Therapist.

Question: Hi Gary, thanks for all your help!!  You have mentioned our self-limiting beliefs and I am REALLY exploring this.  You  mentioned we can use the Personal Peace Procedure on our self-limiting beliefs.  Would you please explain to me how one would go about doing that?  What am I approaching the Unseen Therapist with (Holy Spirit for me)?  I want to eradicate any self-limiting belief systems that I may have that limit me from experiencing a healthy, pain free existence!

Thank you in advance for your help in this!
Dianne Gallegos  

Answer: Hi Dianne, thanks for your question.

We have multitudes of beliefs (some large, some small) that limit us. 

Ultimately, they all come from the erroneous belief that we are separate from each other. That belief is foundational to this illusion of human existence and has been proven repeatedly by our premiere scientists (quantum physicists). We have known this for decades but, to date, have done little or nothing about this stunning discovery.

The flip side of this belief in separation is Oneness (our birthright) and, ultimately, our goal in the OEFT Course is to return to this Oneness (in which there are no limiting beliefs).

However, the belief in separation is a biggie and bombards our senses 24/7 with its non-stop "evidence." That's why we approach its demise, step-by-step, by collapsing its sub-beliefs of fear, anger, guilt, resentment and the like. As you know, these emotional issues are behind our challenges with health, relationships, finances, and everything else AND, even as a beginner, you have certainly experienced relief in this regard with our OEFT Course.

With that being said, the way you go about collapsing your limiting beliefs is by using the same OEFT process that you use for anything else...

**Identify the limiting belief.

**Reduce it down to the specific events from which it came.

**Use the Personal Peace Procedure on each specific event.

If you have difficulty with any of this, you can ask The Unseen Therapist for pointers (this takes practice but is quite doable). Further, our Immerse-ucation process contains many reframes that are designed to collapse the more common beliefs. Diligence in this regard are sure to bring rewards.

Hope this helps, Gary


Q&A On Our Many Metaphors

Here's a couple of good questions from our Membership about our metaphors such as "The Lake of Love", "The Grand Ballroom", "The Peace Garden", etc. My answers (in red) should prove useful.

1. My experience logging on to your recorded webinars and processing with your guidance seems to almost always work better than when I do it alone. I wonder if that's a common experience? People differ on this. Generally speaking, love is best when shared, even if shared with a video. That does not rule out solo work, however. That can be done quite effectively.

2. Obviously, we can make up our own metaphor/visualization, but are there specific reasons for and benefits from the ones you lead? Only that I have my experience intertwined within them. They often contain subtle reframes, etc. that have been important for our Members to (1) bring relief to their own wide-ranging issues and (2) develop more abilities with this High-End skill.


Practice Group reminder: Our practice group facility regularly offers new opportunities to improve your skills. Please check it out in the Membership section of our website.

e-hugs, Gary

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Gary Craig, P.O. Box 1393, Gualala, CA, 95445, United States