The latest U.S. Drought Monitor shows a slight improvement in drought conditions — less than 50% of the country is experiencing moderate- or D1- drought conditions for the first time since November. However, forecasts show drought could grow over the summer months.
If your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) from farming is greater than 75% of total AGI, then you might qualify for a higher payment limit under the Emergency Relief Program. What qualifies as farming income, though? Paul Neiffer goes over the details.
The highest all-time record is now $4.67 a gallon. Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis for GasBuddy, says prices have jumped 52¢ in just a month and $1.65 in a year.
While food waste numbers are shockingly high, the factors are largely influenced by consumer choices. Perfect looking produce is a big one. Large portions and buffets in restaurants are other examples. John Phipps digs into the statistics when it comes to food waste.