In this issue, January 30, 2018 View it in your browser.

GDPR, Neural Networks for Drones, Meson at Netflix, Bloomberg's "PowerfulSeal" for Chaos, Kotlin, JPA 2.2, Bootstrap 4, WebAssembly, ARKit 1.5, Apache Kafka, Culture and Methods Trends Report

Wondering why you should attend

“Machine learning is one of the trends that need your attention.” - Sr Software Engineer at Luminis Technologies Sander Mak. is a complete conference dedicated to applying real-world machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data engineering for software engineers. Learn practical AI and machine learning skills and save up to $100 if you register before February 17th!



Deep Learning and the AI Revolution. This four-part article series explores the history of AI, the future of machine learning and deep learning, and the role database selection plays in successfully applying deep learning to business problems. Learn More.

Engineering Culture and Methods InfoQ Trends Report - January 2018

At InfoQ we regularly revisit the topics we focus on based on the technology adoption curve. This article provides a view of the topics we see as being important to the community at the beginning of 2018. Some new topics have appeared since 2017 and there have been some significant shifts in what matters to individuals, teams and organisations over the last year. (Article)

Linda Rising on Values, Morality and the Impact of Politics

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke with Linda Rising about her talk at Agile 2017 in which she explores her own reaction to the politics in the USA and how it triggered her to research morality and values. (Podcast)

Data Science Latest Content


What Do Data Scientists and Data Engineers Need to Know About GDPR?

Andrew Burt on the implications of GDPR on data collection, storage and use for any organization dealing with customer data in the EU. Burt explains what's the minimum an org needs to pass the GDPR test, as well as how to take the opportunity to improve their overall data governance. (Article)

Playing with Messaging Chatbots in the Omnichannel Contact Center

The proliferation of messaging platforms is forcing companies to shift towards an omnichannel strategy, where they need to be able to contact people in their preferred channel. In this article we will develop an omnichannel messaging chatbot that offers two-way communications over SMS and Facebook using the Twilio Studio visual tool. (Article)

Automating Netflix ML Pipelines with Meson

Davis Shepherd and Eugen Cepoi discuss the evolution of ML automation at Netflix and how that lead them to build Meson, an orchestration system used for many of the personalization / recommendation algorithms. They talk about challenges they faced, and what they learned automating thousands of ML pipelines with Meson. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!

Are you a software developer that wants to learn more about machine learning?

We have a bunch of introductory guides, case studies from real companies using it.


It doesn't matter which one you use. You can now run both SQL and NoSQL? on Azure. Go thru a selection of case studies and news about how you can do that.



Docker and a Native Linux Experience: What's New in SQL Server 2017. Learn more about the power of SQL Server on Linux and containers, how SQL Server 2017 provides a native Linux experience with support for existing SQL Server tools, operational usage for relational and graph data, and more. Learn More.

DevOps Latest Content



InfoQ eMag: Getting Started with Cloud Native Development. A cloud-native approach improves how companies of all ages and sizes deliver software to customers. Download this eMag to get a deeper understanding of the cloud-native revolution, and see what it takes to jump in.

PCF in the Land of NSX: A Closer Look at PCF with NSX-V vs. NSX-T

Sabha Parameswaran discuses NSX-V and NSX-T, the differences between them and their integration with PCF. (Presentation)

You Build It, You Secure It

John Willis talks about how developers and operators can include security in all parts of the delivery pipeline, and implement security gates in the same way as they implement code test gates. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!

Continuous Delivery in Azure

Jimmy Bogard discusses continuous delivery in Azure, covering automated builds, packaging, deployments, CD pipelines, Azure Resource Manager, infrastructure-as-code, blue-green deployments, etc.(Presentation)

Cloud Foundry Networking with VMware NSX

Usha Ramachandran and Sai Chaitanya discuss VMware NSX, the Cloud Foundry Network Policy Model, and demonstrate its integration with Cloud Foundry. (Presentation)



The Six Essentials for DevOps Team Excellence. This new ebook from offers six tips to build a framework for DevOps teams embedding security and development best practices into an agile operation. Download now.

Development Latest Content


Understanding Python Memory at Instagram

Min Ni talks about how Python memory profiling is done at Instagram, what useful insights they got from memory profiling data, and how such insights turned into efficiency wins for Instagram servers. He shares their learnings from tuning and improving Python memory garbage collection. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!



REST 101: The Beginner’s Guide to Using and Testing RESTful APIs. This REST API tutorial will help you learn exactly what RESTful Web Services are - including: best (and worst) use cases, the difference between a REST API and a SOAP API, and how to test a REST API for not only usage, but use cases. Download now.

Java Latest Content


JPA 2.2 Brings Some Highly Anticipated Changes

Released this past summer, JPA 2.2 delivered some frequently requested enhancements, especially by providing better alignment with Java 8 features, such as support for the Date and Time API and the retrieval of a query result as a Stream. (Article)

Introducing Micrometer Application Metrics

Jon Schneider introduces Micrometer and walks through practical exercises that demonstrate how to instrument an application code to yield actionable metrics insights and alerts. (Presentation)

What's New in Spring Boot 2.0

Phillip Webb and Madhura Bhave discussSprin Boot 2, improvements, how to migrate to it, tweaks and utilities, and internals. (Presentation)

Serverless Spring

Mark Fisher and Dave Syer introduce the introduce Spring Cloud Function in the context of using Java and Spring, from the basic programming model all the way to multi-cloud deployments. (Presentation)

Java in 2018?

Get a list of handy resources and eMags to guide you thru what is coming up next.

.Net Latest Content

The Challenge of UWP Apps in the Enterprise

The proliferation of web-based applications and mobile apps have proven to be very popular both with end-users and developers. But what about traditional Windows line-of-business applications that still require the resources of a desktop computer? A look at UWP apps on Windows 10 and whether they can meet the challenge. (News)

Dynamic Languages Latest Content

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

Lessons Learned Migrating Complex Software

Jack Franklin shares his experience migrating an application from Angular to React, presenting code examples and also the negative points of this migration. (Presentation)

Mobile and IoT Latest Content

ARKit 1.5 Now Supports Vertical Surface Detection and 2D Image Recognition

Apple has announced a major upgrade of ARKit, which is available to developers with iOS 11.3 beta. According to Apple, ARKit 1.5 will allow developers to build more immersive augmented reality (AR) experiences. (News)

Architecture & Design Latest Content

Batch ETL Dead, and is Apache Kafka the Future of Data Processing?

At QCon San Francisco 2016, Neha Narkhede presented “ETL is Dead; Long Live Streams”, and discussed the changing landscape of enterprise data processing. A core premise of the talk was that the open source Apache Kafka streaming platform can provide a flexible and uniform framework that supports modern requirements for data transformation and processing. (Article)

Custom, Complex Windows @Scale Using Apache Flink

Matt Zimmer talks about Apache Flink, an open-source stream processing framework for distributed, high-performing, always-available, and accurate data streaming applications. He shows how to use this API to aggregate events into windows customized along varying definitions of a session. He discusses implementation details: handling out-of-order events, periodically emitting early results and more. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!

Culture & Methods Latest Content

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

Q&A on the Book The Age of Surge

In the book The Age of Surge, Brad Murphy and Carol Mase explore a human-centered approach to scaling agility and transforming companies for digital. The book describes the Digital Wave Model which companies can use to disrupt organizational structures and business functions and re-create them to fit the digital landscape. (Article)

TalentSumerization – The Employee Experience in Agile Enterprises

Talent, knowledge and leadership are today’s currency for competitiveness. HR teams that begin to think about their roles as creating an employment experience will be on the leading edge of modern workplaces. This article explores how Consumerization of Human Resources” – or “TalentSumerization” – can be used to create a social, mobile, and consumer-style employee experience. (Article)

Agile Patterns and Anti-Patterns

The panelists share from their experiences working in various sized organizations, across various industries, Agile experiences which can be applied to another team, department, or organization. (Presentation)

CI/CD: Lessons from LinkedIn and Mockito

Szczepan Faber talks about two different use cases of implementing continuous delivery at scale: LinkedIn and Mockito. Yet the challenges, benefits and impact on the engineering culture are very similar. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!