Plus, the It Gets Better Project has changed it's name

Happy Thursday!

⁉️ What's in a name? Quite a lot actually. It's why the It Gets Better Project β€” the organization that began after that Dan Savage and Terry Miller video went viral in 2010 β€” is dropping "project" from its name. But given what we've seen across the country in 2023 and into 2024, does it still get better?

πŸ’« β€œThe phrase β€˜it gets better’ might sound simplistic, especially when LGBTQ+ youth in states like Florida face daunting realities,” Ross von Metzke, senior director of communications of It Gets Better, told The Advocate. β€œOur goal is to empower these young people to navigate life’s challenges with better tools and community support.” πŸ’«

πŸ“– Haven't read our latest cover story yet? You should get on that then. In our πŸ’• love πŸ’• issue, we spoke with the George Takei and his husband Brad about their 38 years together. The adorable photos alone are worth taking a peek at.

And it looks like Gen Z is hecka gay. 🌈 In fact, according to a recent survey, Gen Z folks are more likely to identify as LGBTQ+ than as Republican. I'm fine with that. But Gen Z also has notoriously rejected labels of all forms. Read more about the survey here. 🐘

In other news:

See you on Saturday,

Alex Cooper

Look, a hint!

Each week, The Advocate newsletter has a little bit of LGBTQ+ trivia. Tuesday, you'll get the question. Today, you'll get a hint. And Saturday, you'll get the answer.

This week's question is: Who was the first out LGBTQ+ person to be nominated for an Oscar for playing an out LGBTQ+ character?

This week's hint is: This person received the Oscar nomination in 1999.

Reply to this email with the answer and you may get a shout-out in a future newsletter!

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