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June 15, 2023

Generative AI’s change management challenge

Workers are becoming more accepting of AI, but more work remains to reduce concerns, a study by Boston Consulting Group has found.

Image: Sponsored by Intel: Optimizing Redis’ Default Compiler Flags

Sponsored by Intel: Optimizing Redis’ Default Compiler Flags

Redis and Intel teamed up to find out whether applying more aggressive optimization options would improve overall Redis baseline performance. Our conclusion: By changing the compiler behavior, we measured a 5.13% boost overall and more in some cases.

The top 10 IT outsourcing service providers

Accenture maintained its hold at the top of the IT service provider market, as TCS inched to No. 2 and CapGemini leapfrogged to No. 6 in a year marked by a more incremental approach to modernization, according to Everest Group’s 7th annual rankings.

13 tips to get the most out of Microsoft Whiteboard

For Microsoft 365 users, it’s worth adding Microsoft Whiteboard to your collaboration playbook. Here’s how your team can make the most of this digital whiteboard tool.

Image: Attackers set up rogue GitHub repos with malware posing as zero-day exploits

Attackers set up rogue GitHub repos with malware posing as zero-day exploits

The threat actor created fake personas on Twitter for researchers at a non-existent security firm.

European Commission could move to break up Google’s ad empire

EU regulators have accused Google of manipulating the advertising market to muscle out competitors and bolster its own bottom line.

Rust most admired language, Stack Overflow survey says

Stack Overflow 2023 Developer Survey finds that JavaScript and Python are the most used and most desired languages, but they fall far short of Rust in satisfying their users.

How to avoid spaghetti code in C#

Spaghetti is good eating but bad programming. Follow these 10 best practices to keep your C# code clean, lean, and easy to maintain.

AMD unveils AI processor, looks to challenge Nvidia

A single Instinct MI300X can do the work of several GPUs, said AMD CEO Lisa Su.

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