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vendredi 21 septembre 2018

Explore la Ville
Lecture and workshop

Fab'brick at la Quinzaine de l’urbanisme, Geneva

Lecture and workshop with Clarisse Merlet

September 29th at 3pm and 4pm

La Quinzaine de l'urbanisme is an event integrator and free innovator around the questions and the stakes bound to the transformations of the territory.

with Clarisse Merlet, prize winner of FAIRE 2017.
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Paper Works
Book Fair

Paper Works, Mexico

Féria of the art book and the architecture

September 22nd and 23rd

This weekend, the Pavillon de l'Arsenal, invited by the Embassy of France in Mexico and the French Institute of Latin America (IFAL) participates in Féria of the art book and the architecture Paper Works within the framework of Gallery Weekend.

In this edition, 50 publishing projects will meet at this event where the public can find a wide variety of proposals that have in common their link with printed art on paper (artist's books, multiple artisan editions, publications independent publishers, catalogs and books on art, architecture and design), as well as a program of activities ranging from the presentation of publications and catalogs to actions, discussion tables and workshops.
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Urban centers
Lecture and debate


Acting Upon or With Cities?

Lecture of the Pavillon de l'Arsenal about FAIRE PARIS on October 19st 2018

The Conference welcomes representatives from the Urban Center of Lisbon (Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa), Bologna (Fondazione Innovazione Urbana), Turin (Urban Center Metropolitano Torino), Barcelona (Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona), Paris (Pavillon de L’Arsenal), and Rome (Casa della Città / Case del Municipio) provided with a first moment of mutual learning and public debate. At the end of the Conference, representatives are invited to contribute to a Memorandum on opportunities and limitations for Urban Centers on the promotion of participatory
initiatives in cities.

Conference registration is mandatory at: ciul@cm-lisboa.pt
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Utopian hours, Turin

A mini-festival to imagine the city at its best

Lecture of the Pavillon de l'Arsenal about FAIRE PARIS on October 21st at 7:30 pm

Torinostratosferica is all about one question, which is being posed less and less: how would we like our future city to be? The experiment aims at fuelling the debate on an ideal Turin and at building an original, brave and contemporary vision of places, people, events, services and cultural activities —sometimes realistic, other times utopian— while redefining city perception in general.
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© Pavillon de l'arsenal

centre d'information, de documentation et d'exposition d'urbanisme et d'architecture de paris et de la métropole parisienne.


21 boulevard morland

75004 paris


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vendredi 21 septembre 2018

Explore la Ville
Lecture and workshop

Fab'brick at la Quinzaine de l’urbanisme, Geneva

Lecture and workshop with Clarisse Merlet

September 29th at 3pm and 4pm

La Quinzaine de l'urbanisme is an event integrator and free innovator around the questions and the stakes bound to the transformations of the territory.

with Clarisse Merlet, prize winner of FAIRE 2017.
More information

Paper Works
Book Fair

Paper Works, Mexico

Féria of the art book and the architecture

September 22nd and 23rd

This weekend, the Pavillon de l'Arsenal, invited by the Embassy of France in Mexico and the French Institute of Latin America (IFAL) participates in Féria of the art book and the architecture Paper Works within the framework of Gallery Weekend.

In this edition, 50 publishing projects will meet at this event where the public can find a wide variety of proposals that have in common their link with printed art on paper (artist's books, multiple artisan editions, publications independent publishers, catalogs and books on art, architecture and design), as well as a program of activities ranging from the presentation of publications and catalogs to actions, discussion tables and workshops.
More information

Urban centers
Lecture and debate


Acting Upon or With Cities?

Lecture of the Pavillon de l'Arsenal about FAIRE PARIS on October 19st 2018

The Conference welcomes representatives from the Urban Center of Lisbon (Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa), Bologna (Fondazione Innovazione Urbana), Turin (Urban Center Metropolitano Torino), Barcelona (Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona), Paris (Pavillon de L’Arsenal), and Rome (Casa della Città / Case del Municipio) provided with a first moment of mutual learning and public debate. At the end of the Conference, representatives are invited to contribute to a Memorandum on opportunities and limitations for Urban Centers on the promotion of participatory
initiatives in cities.

Conference registration is mandatory at: ciul@cm-lisboa.pt
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Utopian hours, Turin

A mini-festival to imagine the city at its best

Lecture of the Pavillon de l'Arsenal about FAIRE PARIS on October 21st at 7:30 pm

Torinostratosferica is all about one question, which is being posed less and less: how would we like our future city to be? The experiment aims at fuelling the debate on an ideal Turin and at building an original, brave and contemporary vision of places, people, events, services and cultural activities —sometimes realistic, other times utopian— while redefining city perception in general.
More information


© Pavillon de l'arsenal

centre d'information, de documentation et d'exposition d'urbanisme et d'architecture de paris et de la métropole parisienne.

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21 boulevard morland 75004 paris


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