Learn the techniques to write the kind of fiction you and your readers are passionate about!
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Genre writer? You’re going to want to read this:
Learn the techniques to write the kind of fiction you and your readers are passionate about!
Writer's Digest Annual Conference
Genre writer? You’re going to want to read this:

Early-Bird Rates end April 18—register now!

It’s an exciting time for writers of genre fiction—they're flooding the bestsellers' lists and keeping legions of readers coming back for more. If you're focused on mystery, historical, romance, science fiction and fantasy, or today's other popular genres, the Genre Studies track at this year’s Writer’s Digest Annual Conference in New York City will offer up tactical information to develop your voice and move your career forward.

Panel: Writing about Yesterday, Today: The Art & Business of Historical Fiction

In this insightful session, our panelists will examine the peculiar difficulties associated with researching and crafting convincing, artful historical fiction that sweeps readers away without bogging them down with too much detail and description.
Crystal King, Heather Webb, Lauren Willig, Nancy Bilyeau, Stephanie Cowell, Moderated by Jessica Strawser
Crystal King, Heather Webb, Lauren Willig, Nancy Bilyeau, Stephanie Cowell, Moderated by Jessica Strawser

The Craft & Business of Women's Fiction

During this session, you'll hear from a range of writers (from debut to well established) about their experiences publishing in the genre, how to write successfully for book clubs and other voracious readers in this audience, and more.
Jessica Strawser, Orly Konig, Amy Sue Nathan, Moderated by Barbara Poelle Jessica Strawser, Orly Konig, Amy Sue Nathan, Moderated by Barbara Poelle

Writing a Mystery Novel: A Crash Course, with Hallie Ephron

This session demystifies the art and artifice and gets down to the nuts and bolts of writing a killer mystery novel, from the author of the Edgar-nominated book on mystery writing.
Barbara Poelle, Janet Reid, Abby Zidle, Moderator Jessica Strawser

And these are just a few of the sessions in the Genre Studies track. Mix and match from among the whole program to create your perfect writing weekend.

Genre fiction has an assured place on nearly every bookshelf—and Writer’s Digest has a place saved for you. Reserve yours by April 18 for the best rates.
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