Special offer: Get 40% off your 1st order of Winc.



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Make staying in the new happy hour. Get 40% off your first Winc order.
Experience wines from around the world, delivered right to your front door, from our friends at Winc. Get 40% off your first order - that's 4 bottles of wine for $39 and; shipping is included - so you can 'cheers' to happy hour at home.
Wine Me
Winc Inc. 5340 Alla Road, Suite 105, Los Angeles, CA, USA is responsible for this advertisement. Additional restrictions may apply. See landing pages for full terms and conditions. Winc promotions are an instant rebate applied to a portion of the purchase price of each product, shipping and handling. All promotions and wine purchases require a 3 bottle minimum. This offer does not apply to gift orders, cannot be combined with any other offer and may only apply to $13 bottles. Offer is valid for new members only and is non-transferrable. Winc is unable to ship to P.O. mailboxes or to the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Rhode Island and Utah. Members must be 21 years old to purchase alcohol. Someone 21 years or older must be available to sign for delivery. Packages returned to Winc as undeliverable will be subject to a re-stocking fee. Void where prohibited, only available in US. Max discount 40%*