From the desk of Dennis Weaver . . .

Get a free bread! Get more from $2.99!

If you knew how good Tuscany Tomato bread is . . .

It's always been a good bread, but last year, we reworked it, changed the formula, and made it better. But we didn't tell anyone. Our bad.

For me, it's an absolutely fabulous sandwich bread. Grilled cheese on Diego's Jalapeno Cheese Bread is fabulous--this is even better.

If you don't go crazy over sandwiches made with bread, we'll give you your money back.

See what you can make--not just sandwiches.

Save 22%! Tuscany Tomato Bread


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Save 22%! Tuscany Tomato Bread!


“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” —Winston Churchill

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