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Online Master of Science in Information Design and Strategy

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Fall application deadline

Winter application deadline

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Visit us online by clicking on "Learn More" above, or speak with an admissions adviser at 312-503-2579
As digital output becomes the backbone of most business strategies, there is a growing demand for professionals with expertise in information management, design, and technology. Northwestern's online MASTER OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION DESIGN AND STRATEGYopens the door to a rewarding career in this fast-growing field.
  • Help organizations AUDIT, SCOPE, and ANALYZE complex information-management needs.
  • Help them CREATE communications, visuals, and stories that achieve brand objectives.
  • ACTIVATE and LEVERAGE a way of thinking that goes beyond technology and makes a difference for real people.
Learn from and network with a faculty of leading industry experts as you earn your Northwestern University master’s degree entirely online.

Find out if Northwestern’s MS in Information Design and Strategy is your next step.
Tori Bell, IDS student “I saw the IDS program and it lined up with what I’m doing professionally and where I was looking to grow. The courses listed were specific to digital communication, targeted content, mobile, and measurement and that really jumped out at me.”

— Tori Bell, senior communications specialist. Illumina
Northwestern University

Northwestern University
School of Professional Studies
339 East Chicago Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60611

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