Hey, Happy Monday! I’ve got a special surprise for you today. Our distraction smashing — temptation busting — focus flexing — customer favorite course, Effortless Discipline… Is available at $300 OFF for the next 36 hours ONLY. Effortless Discipline has already helped more than 242 high performers just like you to beat procrastination and laziness... Maintain the unshakeable focus and follow through of an elite operator... And develop the mindset and consistency to accomplish enormous goals on autopilot. Whether you want to write the next great American novel… boost sales in your business… or drop a couple pant sizes… Effortless Discipline will give you the tools and frameworks to actually make it happen. It's a step-by-step guide to... - Dispel all the myths and hype around discipline and show you what really works to unlock next level success in your life and business - Teach you the mindsets and habits used by elite performers to achieve seemingly impossible goals in record time - Harness proven psychological tools and frameworks to become the most disciplined person you know — and beat your bad habits, distractions, and temptations for good Best of all? You’ll accomplish all that WITHOUT any crazy 2-month challenges or agonizing “ice baths”. Each easy training session can be completed in just 10-15 minutes a day… And comes with clear action steps so you can implement these principles immediately for quick wins and rapid progress. It doesn't matter whether you’re trying to scale your business 10X and join the “2-comma club”... Or simply want to kick the ‘ol IG addiction and start going to bed before 2AM… … When you have the skill of Effortless Discipline you’re able to achieve these goals… Well… effortlessly! Now I know that might sound a little too good to be true... … But dozens of my friends and clients have used these exact same methods to achieve explosive growth in their business and life. Bedros Keuilian used this system to go from gaining weight, working all night, and sleeping late… To waking up early every day… crushing his important work by 10am… and packing in a workout — all before lunch. Vince Del Monte used this knowledge to go from ineffectively managing multiple businesses… To 3X’ing his income almost overnight while working less than ever before. Isabel Price used them to go from financing one of my programs on an already maxed out credit card… To becoming one of my most successful clients… running an 8-figure biz while homeschooling her two kids and finishing work by 2PM. And Jason Capital used these tools to go from being a broke pothead living in his parent’s basement… To earning his first million in only 12 months at the ripe old age of 24. Just imagine the types of results YOU can achieve? This course is regularly $497 and even then it's a steal.
But right now you can grab access to the whole thing for just $197.
Which is a price you’ll never see again for this program.
Next time it launches will be the full $497.
And I want to be totally clear — this special price drop is for today & tomorrow ONLY (ends tomorrow at midnight)
So if you’re ready to unlock the next level of discipline, focus, follow through, and achievement in your life…
And you want to get immediate access to the exact tools, frameworks, and mindsets the top 1% use to achieve their biggest goals with ease…
>> Get Effortless Discipline for just $197
Success Loves Speed,
Craig |