No Jitter

Whether the subject is technology developments, market trends, managing your network, or planning your migration strategy, the top experts with deep knowledge in their fields of specialty share their insights with you at No Jitter every day. The enterprise communications industry is always evolving, and it’s critical to keep up as technology choices and vendor positioning continue to evolve. 

Whether it’s Cisco vs. Microsoft, the evolution of Avaya, or the rise and use of video, No Jitter has the crucial information and analysis you need to do your job better.

Here’s some of what we’ve been covering lately:

Avaya: Reorg Plan Still in the Hopper
5 Game Changers Emerge at Enterprise Connect 
Cisco's Dead-Simple Design Approach
10 Cisco/Microsoft Hybrid UC Deployment Options
The Email Killers: 10 Cloud-Based Team Collaboration Tools

Please check out these and other posts, and make No Jitter your go-to site for daily information on the critical evolution that’s taking place in enterprise communications.

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