Like many of you, I presume, I have spent the past few months feeling overwhelmed. By the news, by social media — and by the precise ways in which I fear it’s all rotting my brain and leading me down a path toward despair. In trying to figure out how to combat these fears, I have found myself compelled to partake in small, seemingly insignificant acts of creativity — to turn inward and make something that didn’t exist in the world until I decided it had to.
I’ve played guitar for much of my life. I’ve never taken lessons and I’m not particularly good at it, but I’m competent enough to play a handful of chords and put simple melodies together in a way that is pleasing to me. I’ve compiled countless little snippets that could be songs some day, and I’ve taken to documenting them with a small collection of home recording equipment I’ve accumulated over the past few years. On the off chance you’ve been considering getting into this sort of thing, I’ll include links to some key pieces of gear.
Do you need any of it? No, of course not. You might be able to get the same satisfaction out of recording a voice memo on your phone. But assuming you subscribe to this email because you’re really into buying stuff, well, please allow me to help.