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The Magic of Cinnamon
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Snickerdoodles, cinnamon buns, monkey bread, scones, cookies, cinnamon chips, and more!
What kind of cinnamon should I use?
There are three popular kids of cinnamon.

The cinnamon that we're most familiar with is Korinje Cassia. I'm told that Sri Lanka cinnamon, a very mild--fruity cinnamon--is the most popular in France.

I love Vietnamese! It's my favorite cinnamon for apple pies.

We recommend keeping all three on hand.
Use the right cinnamon for the right application--maybe Sri Lanka for a mild background tone and Vietnamese when you want the flavor to jump or your cinnamon is competing with fruit.

Years ago, I read a foodie book. The author wrote that the most important thing you can do for your baking is get a really good cinnamon. "It will make a magical difference," she said.