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The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener
Vitamin-rich Swiss chard, carrots, loose-leaf lettuce
The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener
Dear Ernest,
How would you like to pick a fresh salad from your backyard garden in the dead of winter?
Imagine tripling your yield of delicious vegetables even from the smallest plot of earth in your yard.
Impress your neighbors by growing bigger, more colorful produce brimming with vitamins and other phytonutrients that feeds your family 365 days a year no matter where you live!
You can do it, and Niki Jabbour will show you exactly how in her book, The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener.
Niki, an author, blogger, and host of The Weekend Gardener radio show, lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia where the summers are short and the winters are brrrrr. “Come autumn, I don’t hang up my gloves and put the garden to bed,” she writes. “Instead, I switch gears and begin to harvest cool-weather vegetables like arugula, kale, leeks, carrots, spinach, parsnips, and claytonia.”
In winter, Niki picks vegetables for her kitchen even in the snow. And this winter, you’ll do the same by using her season-extending tips and hacks and simple devices like mini hoop tunnels and cold frames. You’ll find all the details in her 255-page comprehensive guide to turning your one-season garden into a four-season minifarm.
Pick a salad for supper year-round by planting these four non-stop crops.
Pick a salad for supper year-round by planting these four non-stop crops.
Get more food out of a small space with this one easy technique.
Get more food out of a small space with this one easy technique.
Grow award-winning heirloom tomatoes using this amazing organic liquid fertilizer.
Grow award-winning heirloom tomatoes using this amazing organic liquid fertilizer.
Keep Growing 365 Days!
Eat Fresh and Healthy Year-Round!
This full-color guidebook illustrated with photographs and helpful drawings is jam-packed with hundreds of useful tips, tricks, and hacks to make your backyard garden bloom with bountiful produce. Plus, you’ll get Niki’s salt-of-the-earth advice in bushels:
Gardening plans you can customize to your space.
Expert answers and solutions to your most perplexing questions.
Charts for succession planting and interplanting.
Tips for discouraging deer from ravaging your garden.
A gallery of natural soil-boosters.
Step-by-step instructions for saving heirloom tomato seeds.
The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener
Put your backyard to work so you can eat from your garden year-round!
“Extending the growing season is one of the easiest ways to increase productivity in the garden. We can’t invent a new planet, but we can and must learn to use the resources of the current one more creatively ...” – Roger Doiron
“Whether you’re a greenthumb or a greenhorn, you’ll learn many new things from Niki’s experience growing vegetables year-round on the ocean-cooled coast of Nova Scotia. But the most valuable thing this book conveys is a sense of hope and personal empowerment. The good life is closer than we may think; we just need to know where and when to start digging, as well as when not to stop.”
Roger Doiron is founder of Kitchen Gardeners International, a Maine-based nonprofit network of more than 20,000 individuals from 100 countries who are growing some of their own food and helping others to do the same

Organic Gardening is a publication of Hearst Magazines Division
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