Dear Unknown Unknown,

COVID-19 has played a major role in accelerating adoption of new technology among real estate companies in Asia, according to a report launched today by Mingtiandi.

The report, Tech Adoption in Asian Real Estate: The Pandemic Drives Innovation, finds that 60 percent of respondents to a Mingtiandi survey indicated that they are adopting new systems or enhancing use of existing technology in response to the pandemic.

Click here to find out more and get the full report.

The study, which was sponsored by Yardi, was launched in the first session of our Asia Proptech Forum 2021 earlier today, Mingtiandi's Michael Cole revealed key takeaways and discussed the study findings with Bernie Devine of Yardi. Followed by an exclusive interview with Hines' Claire Cormier Thielke and Charlie Kuntz.

The livestream is recorded and available to watch here.

If you missed out on today's session, join representatives from ESR, Ally Logistic Property, Pi Labs and more on Wednesday 27 January at 10am HKT, as they focus on logistics real estate and share how e-commerce is boosting digitalisation in traditional warehouses.

Click here to register for the show.

Please visit our site to download the Tech Adoption in Asian Real Estate: The Pandemic Drives Innovation report. If you have any inquiries, feel free to let us know at

Best regards,

Michael Cole
Asia real estate intelligence
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