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Comply with CMS’ OASIS-D guidance to prevent productivity losses.
OASIS-D threatens to hurt agencies’ productivity when it takes effect in January. The industry expects CMS to release crucial OASIS-D guidance by August that will help agencies finalize their training on new OASIS questions related to functional ability and skin integrity.

Sign up for AHCC's Compliance & Quality Outcomes Conference to get a last-minute rundown of the OASIS-D changes, guidance from CMS about how to comply and tips from experts about how to minimize productivity impacts.

These sessions will give you the guidance and tools to you need to prepare:

OASIS-D data collection: Is your Agency Ready for “D” Day?
Wednesday, September 26 | 10:45 am – 12:00 pm
National OASIS expert Cindy Krafft will provide a breakdown of new data your agency will need to collect related to falls, functional assessments and changes in skin integrity.

AHCC board member panel discussion & Q&A
Tuesday, September 25 | 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Get answers to your toughest questions about CMS OASIS-D guidance from compliance experts Dee Kornetti, Bob Markette, Lori Apple and Beth Noyce.

Documentation compliance: Audit-proof your clinical documentation including plan of care
Tuesday, September 25 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Walk away with documentation strategies to support new OASIS-D items.

Don't delay - make sure your agency is ahead of the game when it comes to these imminent changes and new challenges. Register now to ensure your outcomes don’t suffer!
Save up to $300 when you register by July 20!

Secure your spot here, or call 1-855-CALL-DH1 (1-855-225-5341).
register now
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