| Hi friend, There’s a lot going on in the shadow of today’s full supermoon lunar eclipse. Emotions intensify as Leo’s dramatic energy hoists you into the spotlight! Not ready for it? The courage you get from the prideful Lion assures you in moments of doubt.
 You feel comfortable and confident in the limelight when you manage to impress people with your charm, although that might not happen as often as you’d like. Spend your time during this full moon resetting your emotions and using creativity to your advantage. You can clear away emotional baggage that’s accumulated by finding imaginative solutions.
And luckily for you, more helpful solutions can be found in your 2019 Chinese Forecast. Packed full of moon-related insight, this detailed report informs you of important dates to watch for in the next twelve months and advises you about how to channel the year’s high points. Learn how to harvest the incredible moon’s power to manifest greatness in your life–starting now! |