Your Power to Save
September 2016

Join the thousands of New Jersey homeowners, businesses and municipalities that have taken advantage of incentives offered by New Jersey's Clean Energy Program™. These programs provide opportunities for you to save energy, money and help protect our climate and shoreline.

In the average home, the amount of heat that escapes through cracks is equivalent to having a window open for 365 days. The best time to weatherize your home is before the furnace starts running and heat starts escaping.


The Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Program, offered through New Jersey's Clean Energy Program, can help you prioritize energy saving projects and provides financial incentives and 0% interest loans. Energy-efficiency improvements, such as sealed ducts, new or tuned-up equipment and more effective insulation can cut your home energy use by about one-third.


Through New Jersey's Clean Energy Program, Home Performance with ENERGY STAR has provided almost $180 million to over 26,000 New Jersey residents.



Addressing old, inefficient equipment can increase your comfort and save you money.

Heating systems work harder at keeping us comfortable than any other system in our home...and also use more energy. If you are looking to upgrade your equipment, we offer rebates up to $500.

Learn more.

Household items are silently stealing electricity.

The average U.S. household spends approximately $100 every year to power devices while they are off or in standby mode. A few simple steps can slay the energy vampires.

Learn more.
Check out the latest list of rebates and promotions.

We're Here to Help

In the last 15 years, New Jersey has invested $2.4B in energy efficiency for residents, businesses, schools and local governments. Of that amount, almost $1.7B has been invested through the Clean Energy Program, of which $900M or more than 50% of all Clean Energy Program funding has been invested during the Christie Administration. With these investments, the NJCEP has saved a total of 27.5 million MWh since the start of the program which is equivalent to powering more than 2 million homes for a year. New Jersey's Clean Energy Program's Energy Efficiency programs have completed nearly 1.5 million energy saving projects helping to reduce electric use by approximately 7%.

The commitment to renewable energy is equally as compelling. New Jersey has invested $2.4B in all renewable energy in the last 15 years. This includes the initial solar rebates of $363M and since the transition to a market-base incentive, New Jersey has invested $1.6B to pay for SRECs to incentivize solar development. So to be clear - this State has invested nearly $2B in solar alone.

Call us at 866-NJSMART (866-657-6278) for information on these and other energy-saving programs for your home or business.

New Jersey's Clean Energy Program

44 South Clinton Avenue | PO Box 350 | Trenton, NJ 08625

New Jersey's Clean Energy Program, 44 South Clinton Ave, PO Box 350, Trenton, NJ 08625
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