Live town hall on Jan. 31


This Thursday Free Press Action is kicking off our State of the Media online town-hall series: Join us to hear how Congress can restore Net Neutrality, save our local newspapers and TV stations, and deliver the media we deserve.

In 2019, we’re not waiting on public leaders to tell us what’s next. We’re sharing our stories, voicing our needs, and proactively pushing for change. Sign up to join the conversation and learn what you can do to push Congress to protect our communities.



Free Press Action
State of the Media: Live Online Town Hall - Let's talk about the future of media & technology for all.


From the ongoing Net Neutrality fight to journalist layoffs and mergers, it’s a challenging time for media and technology. Where can people get the information they need to take action?

Starting this Thurs., Jan. 31, we’re proud to present “State of the Media,” a series of online town halls on the future of media and technology for all. RSVP now to join us!

If you’re an activist, journalist, media-maker or just passionate about news and information, you don’t want to miss this series.

State of the Media kicks off this week with an overview of how the new Congress can ante up and make real progress in 2019. Dana Floberg, Gaurav Laroia and Matt Wood from the Free Press Action policy team will walk through our aggressive agenda of proposed legislation and other actions.

After the town hall, we’re hoping you’ll schedule a meeting with your lawmaker to spell out these priorities for them. And then … we 👏hold 👏them 👏accountable!

Get the game plan: Register now to join us online for the first State of the Media town hall on Thurs., Jan. 31 at 1:30 p.m. ET. Find out specific steps Congress can take to bring back Net Neutrality, protect online privacy and more.

Pro tip: Host a watch party for your activist friends. Don’t worry if you can’t make the live webcast; the link will remain available online.

In 2019, we’re not waiting on public leaders to tell us what’s next. We’re sharing our stories, voicing our needs, and proactively pushing for change.

Thanks and tune in this Thursday—

Collette, Heather and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Free Press Action is kicking off the new State of the Media online town-hall series: Join us on Thurs., Jan. 31 to hear how Congress can restore Net Neutrality, save our local newspapers and TV stations, and deliver the media we deserve.

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