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| Hi, TheoTraders, | When you’re fighting it out in the markets, you love to see a “ski-jump” chart like this when you’re considering how to grow your money. You like to see “all upside.” | This chart is the growth profile of just one of the legs of Gianni Di Poce’s “Trinity Trade.” | | I’ll let Gianni’s research speak for itself - there are more charts that look similar to or exactly like this when he breaks down the trends he’s following with the Trinity Trade. You’ll see in a minute. | But it’s no surprise the charts look alike; each “leg” of the trade is fueling the growth of the other. Think of it like owning the asphalt company, the oil company, and Ford at the dawn of the automobile era. | You’ve got to see his updated presentation, with even more hard evidence that the Trinity Trade is potentially the monster opportunity of 2025. | Nothin’ but ski-jumps. Take a look. | Don Kaufman Founder & Director, TheoTrade |