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ACDIS Presents:

Your essential CDI resource

The 2020 ACDIS Pocket Guide

ACDIS is back at it again, providing you with the best CDI resources in the market.

The 2020 ACDIS Pocket Guide delivers the essential CDI information you have come to rely on. New look, new feel - same trusted CDI authority!

ACDIS always delivers the essential information you need, and our 2020 ACDIS Pocket Guide continues in that tradition.

This essential CDI resource includes:
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to clinical diagnostic standards  
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ICD-10-CM codes, & CMS-HCCs  
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critical thinking tips 
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much more!  

ACDIS continues to offer the quality information that CDI professionals count on to do their jobs - and The 2020 ACDIS Pocket Guide is the #1 CDI resource your library MUST HAVE.

Get your annual pocket guide from the one source you truly trust.

Click here to pre-order!

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