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fundsforNGOs has been serving NGOs for more than 10 years to advance their sustainability and reduce fundraising barriers for them at all levels, sizes, and sophistication.

A while back, we had published an Ebook, "Sample Proposal Templates that can Succeed!" for our premium members that received a great response with 1000+ Downloads till now.

The usual cost of our premium membership is $99.99/year, but as you are our potential and valuable users in our journey, today you can get this Ebook for FREE!


Click Here to Download EBook: Sample Proposal Templates that can Succeed!

In this Ebook, we bring to you, professional project templates that are going to help you reach one step closer to winning the grant. Most often the donor will provide you with a proposal template, if however, the donor has not provided one, you can choose from the 3 proposal templates that we have shared in this guide.

If you have ever dreamed of writing high-quality proposals, We are sure this Ebook will be useful for you to get continued funding from both old and new donors.

- Team fundsforNGOs
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